ImpactR Fitness Journey – Week 1

ImpactR Fitness Journey – Week 1

The beginning of my journey with the ImpactR, as I get back into fitness and building an exercise routine!

Exercise used to be a big part of my life and routine. I went through all different kinds of phases. In my undergrad I got into swimming and cardio. I tried my hand at boxing and CrossFit (perhaps unbelievable, but true). In London, I experimented with weight training (which I genuinely enjoyed). I caught the running bug and ran my first 10k and half marathon. For years I had a gym membership, which was very effective motivation for getting in a workout. I had to make the cost worth it!

Then 2020 happened. I spent the first two months of the year travelling, which involved the most steps I’ve ever taken in my life, but not any real workouts (though climbing up tourist attractions is no joke).

When I got back to London the pandemic hit. In early April my household came down with what we (and the GPs) believed to be COVID-19, which completely wiped me out. Lingering symptoms really affected my stamina and exercise routine. For a year I’ve basically stuck to gentle yoga and long walks outside. Now I LOVE a long walk, but recently I have felt the itch to get back into a fitness routine again.

That’s when the ImpactR team reached out to me, and I am so so glad they did.


‘The ImpactR will meet you where you are & help you get to where you want to be.’

The ImpactR is an all-steel, American-made, all-in-one versatile piece of home fitness equipment, created by the dynamic duo Jeremy and Deanna. Weighing 16 pounds, with a bell on one side and a grip on the other, there’s so many ways to use the ImpactR to get an effective core and total body workout with just one piece of equipment that fits in a small space. One unique aspect is how it challenges your body’s stabilization and balance, helping even out asymmetry and weaknesses on different sides of your body.


You may be wondering, what on earth is Bekah – a musician, PhD student and food blogger (aka, nerd) – doing as an ambassador for fitness equipment?? You and me both, my friend, you and me both.

I was super excited when I was first contacted by ImpactR but must admit to feeling a bit confused initially. I am not a personal trainer or an athlete, and working out has been on the back burner for the past year and a half.

Jeremy and Deanna have been incredibly encouraging and enthusiastic about all of these realities. In fact, they’re absolutely confident in the ImpactR, its versatility, and its approachability for anybody – and with me on board, that really means anybody. So, I am all in to give it my best go.

I’ve committed to 6 weeks of 3 15-minute workouts. Sounds reasonable, right? In fact, I really appreciate how realistic and accessible this workout schedule is. Especially for someone very much easing back into fitness and with a lot going on in my personal life right now.

Here are some of my goals for the next 6 Weeks:

  • Feel stronger – especially in my arms
  • Have more energy
  • Improve my sleep schedule
  • Improve my fitness and tone – I’ve lost a lot of the fitness I had before, and it would be amazing to feel stronger, fitter, and better able to tackle what life throws my way.


Day 1 – April 20, 2021:

It’s Day 1 of the ImpactR journey, and I’m excited! Deanna hopped on a Zoom call with me, led me through a couple minutes of warm-ups, and then set the 15-minute timer.

I actually got some sweat on, and it felt good! It’s been a long time since I did a workout strenuous enough to sweat (insert embarrassed face here). I think it’s amazing how even in just 15 minutes my body feels like I got in a good workout. I worked multiple parts of my body and I already know I’ll feel it later but in that good way. You know, when your body is sore but it’s because you’ve done good work.

I was surprised by how some of the moves were easier than I thought they would be. I thought I wouldn’t even be able to do sit-ups holding the ImpactR bar, but I could! I’d also forgotten how much I like squats with a bar – it brought me back to mornings spent at the gym. My arms feel pathetically weak though. I believe they are what needs the most work at the moment. But first impressions are that I’m very much here for this. Let’s do it.


Day 2 – April 22, 2021:

Deanna met with me bright and (not that) early at 10:30am to get in another 15-minute session. She helped me warm up a bit with some simple butt kicks, knee raises, lunges, and running in place.

In some ways today’s 15 minutes felt easier – except that push-ups are hard! I definitely think my arms are where I lose strength first, and I have a ways to go in getting them back into shape. I’m excited to see and feel how they (fingers crossed) get stronger. I also definitely feel the sit-ups. I may have to rethink doing exercises that involve lying on the ground outside…

The main thing I want to really work on is getting the ImpactR to stick when I’m doing the slams – I always get a ricochet bounce. Deanna assured me that with time and practice, the core strength it takes to control this will come. Stay tuned to see if it does!


Day 3 – April 23, 2021:

I am definitely feeling it. My arms and especially the area around my shoulders feel worked and sore. I did some yoga today which I’ve been neglecting lately. It felt so good! That really helped ease some of the tightness. I see much more stretching in my future.

Today’s workout with Deanna felt both great and hard! I do feel like I’m (very) slowly getting stronger. My control of the ImpactR is gradually getting better (I think?)- slams at least feel a bit easier, and I believe I’m feeling core activation more than before. I am still getting some bounce action instead of sticking the landing, so am continuing to work on and track that.

The most challenging of today’s exercises though? Those pendulum swings. OMG. Who knew such a simple and seemingly innocuous exercise could be so tough?? I do believe my triceps have been quite neglected during lockdown…that is now being corrected!

I also have been a bit surprised by how sometimes exercises feel easier on my left side. I am right-handed and right-side dominant, and just assumed all exercises would be easier on that side. Most are, but there have been some, like suitcase lunges, which do feel slightly easier on the left side. I thought that was interesting and love the idea of evening out both sides of my body with the ImpactR.

I also just have to say that doing these workouts with Deanna leading has been SUCH a huge motivation and help. Her energy is fantastic, never failing to get me excited for a session. I also so appreciate how she answers my questions and corrects my form during a workout. I am very much a newbie to this and having someone walk me through the process is incredible.

I feel super blessed and very excited to continue on this journey. 15 minutes for 3 days a week doesn’t sound like all that much. But it is effective (I promise you, I’m feeling it), and it’s a great way to ease back into exercise. Before this week I can’t remember the last time I had really sweat during a workout. Now I can think of three. ?



If you’re interested in trying out the ImpactR for yourself, you can save 10% on their website using the code BEKAH10! This is an affiliate link, and if you purchase through a link/using my code I receive a small commission. There is no additional cost to you and it really helps to support me in doing this work. Thank you so much for your support!

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