ImpactR Fitness Journey – Week 4

ImpactR Fitness Journey – Week 4

Week 4 with the ImpactR, talking about mindful reflection during a fitness routine, more of my least and fav workout exercises from the week, and as always, a day-by-day account of the week.


For me, Week 4 was a combination of ramping up while also mentally slowing down. Here’s what I mean. Halfway through this ImpactR journey, I wanted to get a bit more mindful and reflective about the whole experience. My goals from Week 3 were very much along those lines. You may be thinking, isn’t that what these blog posts are all about? 100% yes! But I’m talking about more intentional reflection before and after my ImpactR session.

This week, mindful reflection has looked like taking just 5 minutes to do some simple yoga stretches before hopping on my Zoom call with Deanna. It’s also meant taking a few minutes after a session to just sit, breath, and enjoy the feeling of having just worked out – recognising the strenuous effort and appreciating that I’m strong and healthy. It’s very easy for my mind to flit between the past and the future, but this week I’ve been thinking about keeping it a little bit more in the present.



Day 1 11th May, 2021

‘Strong Mind, Strong Body.’ Deanna said this and it became a bit of a mantra for me pushing through today’s workout. Especially those push-ups.

The first day of the week often feels harder than I hope for. I go in thinking that 2-3 days off will have helped my body recover. I’m sure it does! But I think it also makes it forget how hard these workouts can be.

Today was very arm focused, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit discouraged by how difficult some moves felt. Deanna demonstrated one-arm barbell side lifts, which were just not possible, and push-ups felt increasingly difficult. But it’s all something to continue working on! Deanna was super encouraging, saying I couldn’t have done this workout week 1, and I believe her.


Fav exercise of the day – Bicep curls. These don’t look like much, but I really do feel the targeted engagement! And yes, they also felt like a bit of a break during quite an arm-intensive workout.

Least fav exercise of the day – Single arm presses. When Deanna demonstrated these with one arm, I was floored. As I said, it’s something to work towards, but I’m definitely not there yet. I do appreciate the modifications available though. The move was hard enough using two hands! I can feel how it’s a balancing act, while also a strengthening movement.


Day 2 12th May, 2021

While yesterday was more toning, today was all about cardio. It’s good to mix things up!

I am amazed at how every workout is so different. The ImpactR is so versatile and I feel like I’m constantly discovering new things. It certainly keeps things fun, interesting, and challenging!


Fav exercise of the day – It could be one-handed plank rows. They’re kinda sorta awkward, but it’s cool (to me) to think about balancing and core engagement while also adding the extra challenge of lifting the bar with one hand.

Least fav exercise of the day – One handed slams. I didn’t think I’d even be able to pick it up the first time, but somehow we got through them; burpees are also quite challenging, but it feels so good when you’re done!


Day 3 – 13th May, 2021

This was a very core heavy day. That’s no bad thing, especially since my core needs to be challenged. But it also means today’s session was filled with moves that I found particularly difficult. My neck was aching slightly after, which I realise is not good news (gotta work on that core engagement and form). We pushed through though, and that in itself felt like an accomplishment!


Fav exercise of the day – Slam twists are a fun variation on the slam, and I do feel how it is specifically targeting the core. I feel a bit awkward with this move, but I’m sure it’ll get more comfortable over time.

Least fav exercise of the day – The iron butterfly is no joke! Ooph, just thinking about it makes my core hurt all over again.



  1. For core exercises specifically, focus more on core engagement so that there’s less neck tension and achiness afterwards.
  2. Challenge myself more by pushing the pace and taking harder modifications (when possible!).
  3. Don’t push too hard though – the upcoming week is a busy one, so keep working to find that healthy balance.



The after-workout soreness is both a blessing and a curse, right? It can make movement (i.e., taking the stairs) kind of painful, but it’s also a reminder that I did something good for my body, and that’s a wonderful thing!

With two thirds of this journey down, I feel like my handling of the ImpactR is getting easier and implementing slams without getting a bounce is happening more and more often. It’s all about focusing on engaging the core (it keeps coming back to that, doesn’t it?). Overall, I’m feeling a bit more secure and confident with the ImpactR. I do see progress and that’s encouraging to recognise. Looking forward to Week 5!



If you missed the earlier posts of my ImpactR Fitness Journey series, make sure you catch up with Week 1’s introduction, Week 2 and Week 3!



If you’re interested in trying out the ImpactR for yourself, you can save 10% on their website using the code BEKAH10! This is an affiliate link, and if you purchase through a link/using my code I receive a small commission. There is no additional cost to you and it really helps to support me in doing this work. Thank you so much for your support!

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